10 April 2009

Shaken to the sole of my Soul

The words shake me to the sole of my Soul;
as they entice my naffs to spiral out of control...
...and I only heard a snippet from a passing ride;
but it's one of the many anthems our youth sing with pride...
Spread disrespectfully from the windows to the walls;
young girls convinced sex will make them women remain open to constant mauls...
Being down on her knees should be reserved for prayer;
and Momma wasn't referring to her body when she told her, "it's always good to share!"
At least I don't think that's what she meant;
but, she too may be numb to the lyrics that accompany beats that sound heaven sent...
Lines that beckon the world's most prized possession to throw her worth away;
only to be defiled and demeaned by her caller in a game of horse play...
Please know, this is not an attack on us yall, it is a heartfelt cry;
to tell my women girl sisters, "We must honor our precious gifts 'til the day we die... "

Yet my loudest cry goes out to my men boy brothers who have been given the divine obligation to lead;
who have become intoxicated on the dysfunctional smoke screens that keep us enslaved even though we've been freed...
Diminishing our worth with each seed you unconsciously sow;
seeds that by nature take root, only to open the door for more dysfunction to grow...
On superficial stages you invite your queens to dance to the beat of  "master's" drum;
and with your lyrics you whip her into believing her only purpose is to relieve you of cum!!!
Even the most conscious of you lend the tracks your ear;
and though you "Don't Approve" when she "Works It" you silently cheer...

The artistry of Hip-Hop has been pimped and overly played in the flow of mainstream;
distorted and off course from the expressive genius of the lyrical revolutionary dream...
Pacified with the insignificant gain of paper that carries almost no value when measured alongside gold;
soldiers have become "yes men" for an industry governed by "mini" men whose hearts are empty and stone cold...
I encourage you to press mute the next time the hottest video is played; after which dissect the imagery;
asking yourself  "do these images honor or disgrace the foundation passed down through our ancestry???
Then, without the music, slowly read each and every word contained in the lyrics of the song;
are they morally uplifting, or do they call the listeners to participate in treating their own souls dead wrong???
You know, change has always come by way of the backs of a determined few;
who make the decision to no longer just stand by while their worse nightmares come true...
No, we cannot turn back the hand of time, or simply make the music stop;
but we can openly refuse to support the genocide being administered through mainstream hip-hop!!!

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