25 December 2013

Dispelling Trickery


Uncertainty is trying to drown out my spirit,
but this servant of GOD is not trying to hear it...

I will not falter, I will holdfast to my belief;
recognizing the devil is a bona fide thief....

Trickery is best dispelled by the MAKER of all;
for up against my CREATOR satan is quite small...

Testing sinful water is a harmful game;
that will only lead to spiritual shame...

I'll tie the rope around my waist and swing if I must;
but in the promises of GOD I refuse to lose trust...

may ALLAH guide us all to that which is most pleasing to HIM...ameen

22 December 2013



Up up up then I pray; 
forehead anchored to the floor so I don't go astray; 
dear GOD make satan's whispers go away, 
as I journey through yet another granted day...


21 December 2013

Peace Fragments


Fragments, pieces of peace, meant for me;
puzzled by the plan unknown yet playing my role to the best of my ability...

I see the hidden corners where the dust of my soul dwells;
secret passageways occupy my body's innermost cells...

The voice of my begs echo through the hallways of my prayers,
for it is only by the mercy of the Most High I don't melt from satan's glares...

May the contract for my hand soon be written;
securing my modesty from what it's forbidden...

may ALLAH grant me protection, contentment, and ease...ameen

05 December 2013

My Life Giving LOVE


On my knees before you I want to dwell;
just the thought of displeasing you makes my eyes swell;
LOVE of my life to YOU I direct my full attention;
it's YOUR name, amongst anyone, I don't hesitate to mention...

I can't do this without YOU, so I won't even try;
and though the onlookers think me weak because I cry;
I will openly and in secret weep to YOU for everything;
trusting with full faith in the strength and ease YOU will bring...

Never abandon me please for without YOU I am lost;
let me not earn YOUR anger for it will come at the highest cost;
forgive me my shortcomings for YOU are the ONE to Forgive;
while keeping me upon the path to YOUR mercy for as long as I live...

Allahuma ameen

04 December 2013

Tea Time


Weatherized sweetness;
a hard tasteful sticky mess;
HONEY...at its best...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

Encouraging Warning


My mind is constantly spinning, the remembrance of my CREATOR, to keep me from sinning...

Multiple bows from Tahajjud to Isha remain my goal, for it's the only way I know to cleanse my soul... 

By the way, the above mentioned are my daily prayers, just in case you are not aware...

I can't stop; I won't stop if I have my way, but satan hurls a new temptation day after day; so for my LORD's protection I faithfully pray...

By the LORD of creation who was never created; I'm summons to speak the truth even if the masses hate it...

Repeat after me, "NO partners sons or daughters has the Almighty!"

I said, "NO partners sons or daughters has the Almighty!"


The day will come when all doubt will disperse, and we'll be delivered into the ground from the back of a hearse...

There will be no repentance left to be done; as there will be no where to hide nor anywhere to run...

Don't take it from me, research it yourself; it can only increase your spiritual wealth...

What I invite you to explore is within your reach; my role is only to encourage, it's not to preach...

Holy Quran Chapters one, nineteen, & twenty-three are worth the read; they will answer many of your questions, just ask GOD & HE will lead...

I swear by the sun, moon, and stars above; this is not an attack but a message of love...

Like most I desire is to enter Heaven's door; which is why my inclination to inform you I can't ignore...

Islam is the promised comfort mentioned in the previous revelation; and propagating it to my world is my Divinely given obligation...

So when I write it's an attempt to save my afterlife not to be center stage; though at times I want to openly recite these rhymes to those not following my blog or Facebook page...

...and to those already knowing, share this with others in hopes they too will have the pleasure of the completeness we have come to know that's impossible to measure...

Nonetheless, my words are conveyed from a place of LOVE, coupled with greetings of PEACE; and it is my humble plan to call one and all to success until I am deceased...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

01 December 2013

Morning Thoughtfulness


Your thoughtfulness this morning brought a beautiful brightness that will shine in my mind, by the permission of the Divine, until the end of my conscious time...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

27 November 2013

My Prayer Gangster


I'm awaiting my Deen Strapped Prayer Gangster;
who in pursuit of his afterlife is no prankster...

He blazes the town blasting holes in poverty;
dispersing his wealth like he's hit the lottery...

He's on the fast track Mondays, Thursdays, and most white days;
and in the small of the night he humbly bows to GOD in praise...

With no need to impress he speaks not of his deeds;
yet is the first on the scene to fulfill another's needs...

by swag he can't be measured because he's far too mature;
for adolescent labels needed by those much less secure... 

I rejoice in his coming as a mother rejoices after her child's birth;
for he's been granted the insight to recognize this woman's worth...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

26 November 2013

Gazes, Glances, & Choices


My bird's eye view of you got me lowering my gaze;
got my thoughts running around in a fascinating maze;
in the opposite direction attempting to avoid the eternal blaze...

I wish I hadn't caught your extended glance;
or your strategic positioning to further advance;
an opportunity I might have fallen into if given the chance...

But the sweet whispers of my inner voice;
gently encouraged me towards the proper choice;
and in my reflective space of safety, I prayerfully rejoice....  

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

25 November 2013

Humbling Footage


As I travel across my life long bridge;
capturing sprinkles of Divine Footage;
I'm constantly humbled into prayerful prostration;
attempting to praise the CREATOR of all creation...

Oceans filled with fascination, canopied by the vast blue sky;
are merely rays beaming from the reflection of the Most High;
reminding me, I am nothing when compared to my CREATOR;
humbling me back into my position of servant and prostrator...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

22 November 2013

The Gift of Praise


I seek a divine find;
gifts of a spiritual kind;
mercy that's not confined;
with forgiveness combined...

I step firm in my weakness;
paling in YOUR Greatness;
mining for YOUR Kindness;
unable to reach YOUR Highness...

Gift to me oh CREATOR;
to whom none is Greater;
permission to bow now & later;
free me, the praise procrastinator...

My heart weeps even when my eyes are dry;
only YOU besides me can hear my soul cry;
in hopes of the gifts I receive only after I die;
I seek refuge from the devil's ultimate lie...

YOU alone I worship & praise;
in remembrance I spend my days;
when I'm not stuck in my mental maze;
torn between the rivers & the eternal blaze...

Gift to me oh CREATOR;
to whom none is Greater;
permission to bow now & later;
free me, the praise procrastinator...

No partners sons or daughters are YOURS;
YOU alone open life's & death's doors;
it's YOUR sky from which all rain pours;
just as it's YOU who brings the oceans upon the shores...

I declare openly without fear or hesitation;
to worship other than YOU is an abomination;
punishable by hell the most dreaded destination;
our bowing is for YOU and no other creation...

So, gift to me oh CREATOR;
to whom there is none Greater;
permission to bow now & later;
free me, the praise procrastinator...

may GOD who has absolutely NO partners sons or daughters be pleased...ameen

02 October 2013

Hoping For Treasure


Gratitude causes my heart to sing;
praises to the never born KING...

Tears baptize my guilt ridden face;
as I beg to be spared all disgrace...

Worthless are my deeds, unless accepted;
by the ONE many have openly rejected...

My knees and forehead have kissed many floors;
to dutifully perform my soul's five daily chores...

Though, I'm unworthy, I go back again and again;
pleading for Divine Mercy and forgiveness of sin....

The promise of "Ask of ME and you shall receive";
is only one of the reasons I wholeheartedly Believe...

Where else can one find a better favor than this;
a compassion more loving than a mother's kiss....

An invitation open for every created being;
to be personally guided by GOD the All Seeing...

Declining this invitation takes nothing from HIM;
yet without HIS mercy chances at heaven are slim...

No son has HE, though the devil has suggested other claims;
causing creation to call the CREATOR by forbidden names...

Convinced it's not possible to go directly to the source;
many souls seeking salvation are completely off course...

Still there is hope for any one given to reflection;
to ascertain the truth and switch their direction...

The Holy Qu'ran is simply the final extension of the word;
that's been dismissed by many even before being heard;

It confirms the surviving truths and dispels any lies;
it's definitely a must read before your earthly body dies...

Don't take it from me for surely I am a Wo/Man just like you;
but at least read chapters 19 & 23 then decide if it rings true...

As for me I will now go back to aiming for my CREATOR's pleasure;
holding on to the hope of receiving the gift I will eternally treasure...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

01 October 2013

My Son Shine


Sunshine in the dark of the night I see, 
as I bass in the rays beaming within me...

wHOLY complete just my CREATOR and I;
who also created the son brightening my sky...

The spiritual creature dwelling meant for my side;
whose cloak of humility replaced his blazer of pride...

I sleep with assurance as he stands, armor in place;
though unsure if my eyes have ever captured his face...

Faith not hope paints my wall of chaos pastel serene;
one of the many mercies of being engulfed in my deen...

I feel a closeness I can by no means explain;
and if openly declared I'd be labeled insane...

So I skip to the beat composed just for my heart;
knowing what GOD is joining none can keep apart...

"Sweet dreams are made of these,
who am I to doubt decree;
I've travelled the world inside of me,
like everybody I'm praying for something"...LOL...(Marliyn Manson Makeover)

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

29 September 2013

His Profile


I'm lovin' his smile;
I'm diggin' his style;
only known him a short while;
yet with my entire stockpile;
I wanna walk the green mile...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

22 September 2013

Rooted In Patience


Love is not to be found, it is to be granted;
and like roots, it sprouts after being planted...

Lust and or infatuation are what usually come first;
pursuing either of these makes ones condition worst...

Patience is a virtue, but it's a thing to be cultivated;
like family, prayer and patience are closely related...

Time is not money, time belongs exclusively to our CREATOR;
we just have to learn what we don't get now we may get later...

Or NOT...LOL...because that too is a divine executive decision;
and nothing I mean nothing happens without GOD's permission...

may ALLAH grant us patience in all of our affairs...Allahuma ameen

20 September 2013

The Deal


Okay here's the deal;
because GOD gave us free will;
is why we should kneel...

may ALLAH accept our attempts to worShip and praise HIM...ameen

Reflections Reflect


Blaming the world;
while claiming the world...of others...

Don't take it lightly;
it won't be taken lightly...my brothers...

While you over indulge;
denying what others divulge...about you.. 

Yet your reflection reflects;
your many causes and effects...start new...

Words without action are weak;
even if spoken seven days a week...stop hiding...

You're too grown for child's play;
now sow your seed a different way...by teaching...

may ALLAH grant us reflection...Allahuma ameen

18 September 2013

Striving Queen


A Queen of striving to be the most humble in this deen; 
checking my intentions making sure they're clean....
Yes yes, of all this I'm a self proclaimed Queen...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen 

12 September 2013

Personal Sanctuary


During the small of the night is my favorite time to rise;
creating a personal sanctuary to be with the Most WISE...

It's truly a time of mercy and to it nothing can compare;
to be closest to my CREATOR, is to offer Tahajud prayer...

No other part of the day can grant me this much peace;
so I encourage every soul to strive to possess a piece...

So KIND is the one who has compassionately chosen me;
a perfect and humbling example of Divine Love and Mercy...

May I never turn away from this path that is straight;
may I always be inclined to openly praise the Most GREAT...

May my deeds be of those accepted by the One & Only KING,
who has no equal, no children, and who created everything...ameen

In closing, I humbly invite the masses to explore to no end;
an one on one relationship with our CREATOR and true friend...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

11 September 2013

Maybe...Maybe Not


Maybe you're the answer to my prayers or maybe you're not;
but in real life I only want the manifestation of the Divine plot...

Honey candy sweet your flavor taste to me;
but it'll soon go sour if it's not meant to be...

Surely it was destined for our souls to collide;
still I mustn't let emotions be my deciding guide...

It should've taken more than sweet nothings to penetrate my heart;
but somehow you've had an inside advantage from the very start...

Even still, I refuse to allow this school girl infatuation;
to skew the actual factual during my final evaluation...

Stepping back with my right foot left foot right;
seeking through prayer my CREATOR's guiding light...

May ALLAH be pleased...ameen

I Dreamed


I dreamed you wrote me poetry, after breaking my broken heart;
you asked for my forgiveness while requesting I not depart...

I cried tears, it seemed, I had cried some years before;
and though my heart was aching I couldn't walk out the door...

You begin to kiss my tear filled eyes as you whispered sworn words you promised to keep;
but before I could succumb to the security of your arms I sadly awoke from my sleep...

Many would call this a warning, not wanting this dream to ever come true;
I see the wisdom in being reminded "the no one's perfect“ includes you...

Struggle is bound to be present each and every step of the way;
sandwiched between the promised ease granted to those who pray...

Yes dreams are meant for reflection, and reflect on this one I will;
remembering as are the joys of love, the pains of love are just as real...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

08 September 2013

Perfect Striving


Perfect we will never be despite how hard we try;
the best that we can hope for is the mercy of the Most High...

This shouldn't change our striving in fact it should push us to do more;
because worshipping and praising our CREATOR is all we were created for...

The devil is a liar who wants to convince us we can't change;
so we must seek constant refuge from satan in his CREATOR's name...

Deppresion is a state, when if allowed, will take root;
but a simple thing like gratitude will quickly give it the boot...

The road that leads to Heaven is by no means paved with ease;
the key is, when things get difficult, to seek counsel on our knees...

Remember satan is a liar whose goal is to lead our souls astray;
he whispers then withdrawals especially when it's time to pray...

Believers are to be good friends and gentle reminders for each other;
companions similar to family though not birthed by the same mother...

The idea we should be strong enough to travel this life's journey alone;
is again the handiwork of our avowed enemy who hates us to the bone...

May our CREATOR grant us guidance, forgiveness, protection, and mercy just to name a few;
as we strive to remain in a state of worship remembering that's exactly what we were created to do...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen