30 August 2013

Nite Echoes


Nites echo from space to space;
originating from an unexpected place...

Gentle strokes to slightly flawed esteems; 
revitalizes as much as the CREATOR deems...

One's favorite flavor this sweetness can easily come to be ;
but fear of overindulging makes the taster sample sparingly...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

21 August 2013

My Polygamist Inclination

I am more inclined towards polygamy then monogamy at this time in my life;
this will still be my inclination even if I'm his first wife;
my primary concern is that there be more ease than strife...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

20 August 2013



Though there are those who may think me wierd;
I'm easily mesmerized by a thick groomed beard...

Yet the thing that causes my gaze to unintentionally linger;
is a cat that has no problem spreading deen by speech or finger...

Him I'll humbly watch to see if taqwa is his most prized possessions;
which will determine if he'll become privy to my deepest confessions...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

Our Decree


Though I hold the position of Queen bee;
I so desire to be under your given degree;
souls were created to connect not dwell free;
so let's continue preparing for our Divine decree...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

17 August 2013

Faith In The Unseen


Surely he is a chosen earth dweller;
An ancient and present time truth teller...

Our hearts are the vessels that actually met;
an impression made by GOD so we'll never forget...

Intertwined souls even though we are apart;
never ending is love engraved upon the heart...

As letters form words his spirit has sentenced me;
to a truth that'll remain whether we ever physically come to be...

Surmounted supplication is the only known solution;
for it grants the faithful supplicator spiritual restitution...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

16 August 2013

A Controversial Piece of A Sista Like Me


Surely, for you more may be merrier;
but for your soul it may be a bit scarier...

I'm super pass down if your current girl is;
but be sure you're ready for that balancing biz...

I'll always have her back because I want GOD to have mine;
so to infringe on any of her rights, I will always happily decline...

Like most I'd prefer monogamy, but it's not etched in stone;
because the life of Lady Khadijah (r) we can't easily clone...

and truthfully Aisha's (r) status is beyond adequate for me;
but only if the current occupant can wholeheartedly agree.... 

Don't get me wrong Bruh, your requirements we won't over look;
I'm just not frowning on what GOD has made lawful in our Holy book...

Sisters please don't become alarmed or turn up your nose;
I give you my word before GOD I'd never step on your toes...

Marriage is meant to bring souls together and form them as one;
so if your home is disrupted, spiritually for me, it won't be any fun...

I'm simply processing some thoughts about what's lawful in our way of life;
it's by no means a preamble or declaration for me to become your co-wife...

I'm just lyrical by nature so I poetically put to rhyme almost everything;
just as my desire to please my CREATOR trumps having a wedding ring...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen 

The Affects of You


Today has been the most trying;
I can't seem to stop my heart from crying;
out for you...

Unspoken words be our mutual protection;
as distance impedes my exploring this spiritual affection;
I have for you...

From means I could have never imagined we connected;
not only my mind, but my heart and soul have been affected;
by the essence of you...

For your constant reminders of why I ever came to be;
via words from Quran & Muhammad may GOD's peace be upon he; 
I appreciate you...

To take me away from myself I beg our CREATOR;
because though you're mine, I can't have you 'til later;
so I await you;
I await you;
by GOD, I await you...

may ALLAH grant us ease...Allahuma ameen

13 August 2013

Cultivate to Elevate


How do we stop the rhythm of a heart we didn't create;
realize, what GOD has decreed, none can alter or debate;
we spend so much time searching for the one who can relate;
but our relationship with our CREATOR is the one to cultivate;
only by GOD's Divine leave will our souls successfully elevate;
so let's beg HIM to keep us firm on the path that is straight;
knowing hell is our eternal abode if we die in any other state;
I beg you, don't hesitate because the angel of death won't wait...

may GOD who has absolutely NO partners sons or daughters protect us from a painful end...ameen

06 August 2013

Injured Trust

My heart wept along with my eyes; overwhelmed by my sister's cries... Never did I intended to injure her trust; causing the hinges of our friendship to rust... There's no acceptable excuses or reasons why; to better cherish such a treasure I promise to try... For GOD to be pleased is my ultimate aim; and when I miss the mark, I only have Amelah to blame...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

02 August 2013

Last Chance


We're coming to the end of this magnificent time;
to waste any part of it would be a spiritual crime...

Let's not sleep on this fleeting opportunity;
fill these last nights with GOD'S praise alone or with community...

Yes it's destined to come again, but there's no guarantee we'll still be around;
so eagerly reach for Ramadan's gifts in the only month they can be found...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

01 August 2013

Spilt Secret


I posses no degrees in the secular world;
Motherhood & serving my community has been my focus;
though this has MANY degrees...

I'm more of a dependant than I am an asset; 
adding more to my suitors plate;
 I'd be his possession and he my ease...

My attention has become imprisoned by his existence,
yet theres no basis for it to exist,
in the present...

Patience should have been his cloak;
secrecy would have been more fitting,
 but his mental spill has such a heavenly scent...

Now I dodge his heart's rhythm,
that's beating to a spiritual drum,
all our own...

CREATOR of us, knower of all things;
grant clarity to the love struck mind,
making us dependant on YOU alone...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

Rested Tears


Last night I rested my tears on the shoulder of a sober soul;
feeling secure enough to let go, not needing to be in control...

In rethreading the fibers of my faith, by this hand, I was aided;
this gentle lesson in life living, was written before I was created...

Next step taken, on my merry way I continue to grow;
grateful for each experience the high ones and the low...

With contentment beauty can be found in the many things we encounter;
because contentment is the natural cure for any and every type of downer...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen