22 June 2014

The Season Is Now


I watch as you travel nurturing the world with necessary sustenance all the while your seeds stay malnutritioned...

Growing at Heaven's feet buried in the world around them; these are your roots, yet in your watering they receive mere sprinkles here and there when time permits...

The flowers of your garden need you present...You sowed the soil and planted the seeds that has produced the most beautiful fragrant fragile flowers...

Oh soul gardener, guard the garden placed in your care wisely; let not your own flowers become arrangements in the world's bouquet;

Your flowers are worthy of far more than being cut to be placed in society's vase for the devil's display as they strive to preserve their beauty with prayer in hopes you will return before they whither spiritually away...The season is NOW!!!

May ALLAH be pleased... ameen

1 comment:

Kifah Muhammadu said...

I enjoyed that piece and your mind is on point peace my sister keep writing