01 September 2013

Inspiration By Inspiration


I'm not sure if it was safe to allow inspiration to take root this time;
planted thoughts branching out some in rhythm others in rhyme...

Roses, thorns, nectar, and sweet sacred places;
both tears and smiles mingled upon the affected faces...

Speechless about this matter I probably should remain;
but I know, oh to, well both the described joy & pain...

Many seasons come and then suddenly can't be found;
making more desirable the buds that bloom all year round...

The love lessons learned aren't always enough;
because forbidden dreams can easily make forgetting very tough...

As no one wants to forget the sweetness of that special kiss;
even when its poison slowly kills every ounce of superficial bliss...

Passion is the noun that often feels more like a verb;
impairing the best judgment more than liquor or smoked herb...

Sensual is the lingering scent stimulating the senses of the heart;
re-igniting toxic flames known to be deadly from the very start...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

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