31 July 2013

Didn't Mean To But I Did


I tried not to see you but I did;
though I attempt to dismiss my thoughts, you remain on my grid...

This causes my imagination to run away with me;
by the time I return, you've eased in just a little more closely...

Despite the invisible line in our sand that's vividly clear,
what GOD places on the heart, only GOD can make disappear...

Faith stimulated our connection, yet it's faith that keeps us at bay;
coupled with our ardent desire to not displease our CREATOR in any way...

When governed by lower desires genuine affection transforms into lust;
so we avoid forbidden encounters, and in GOD we place our entire trust...

What is meant to be will inevitably manifest;
this truth allows us to lay our every burden to rest...

As I turn with my gaze lowered I can spiritually feel you doing the same;
both finding peace and contentment in the sweetness of praising GOD's name...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

30 July 2013

Reality Contentment


Breathless I am not, though you are breathtaking;
and though I'm tempted to, my convictions I'm not forsaking...

There's a way in which I want such a thing to be done;
and I'm as set on my decision as a day's declining sun...

No need to rush into a matter, not even by intention;
what's decreed will manifest without it ever being mentioned... 

So, I breathe into the thoughts of every possibility;
finding contentment at the core of my current reality...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

29 July 2013

Just A Little Scary


Our unexpected euphoric encounters
this natural level of connectivity,
slightly scares me, 
so I humbly 
turn it all over to the ALMIGHTY 
and I will await HIS Divine decree...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

26 July 2013

I would...


I would marry me for the giving portion of my heart;
I would marry me because I strive to finish what I start...

I would marry me because I encourage ALLAH's Praise;
I would marry me to enjoy my sometimes girly ways...

I would marry me because when it comes to truth I'm bold;
I would marry me because when given, my word's as good as gold...

I would marry me to fulfill the other half of my deen;
but only if, after istikaarah, I was inclined to by the Unseen!

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen 

25 July 2013

Roped Belief


The pirates would have gotten me if not for the hole;
the boat Khither(a) dismantled is similar to my soul...

The world, like the pirates, want possession of my treasures;
so it strives to distract me with sinful & temporary pleasures...

As I sit on the shore of spirituality awaiting my relief,
I struggle to hold tight to the rope tied to my belief...

Help is on the way because my CREATOR's promises are true;
and this hole will soon be sealed with the mercy of ALLAHU...

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen

24 July 2013

Inspired By A Reminder


"By means of poem 
or by way of a haiku, 
just praise ALLAHU!"

may ALLAH be pleased...ameen